Ablutions - religioosne pesemine - омовение (water is a source of life and, it cleans people physically and symbolically. In Christianity water is used in the ritual of baptism, as a form of initiation into the Church, holy water may also be sprinkled onto members of the congregation during Liturgy (Orthodox Churches), it;s also available in fonts, so that the faithful can anoint themselves as they enter the church (Roman Catholic Churches); in Orthodox Judaism the ablutions take two basic forms: washing the hands (always before and after a meal, after sleeping, defecating and urinating) and full body immersion in "living water" - water from a river or other source; Islamic ablutions is a meaningful ritual removing impurities of body and soul. There are three kinds: the greater ablution (ghusl) involves washing the whole body (after sexual acts, childbirth or menstruation), the lesser ablution (wudu) involves a brief washing of the feet, hands and face (after defecation, sleeping, touching one's genitals), a third ablution (tayammum) involves a water substitute such as earth or sand)
Abraham (c.2000-1650 BC) - Aabraham - Аврам (the father of the Hebrew people and the father of the three great monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam (as a messenger (rasul) of outstanding importance))
Absolution - absolutsioon - абсолюция (In Christianity a declaration of forgiveness of sins)
Acts of the Apostles - Apostlite teod - Деяния Апостолов (A New Testament book, it concentrates largely upon the growth of the Jerusalem Church, and the missionary journeys of Paul to Asia Minor, the Aegean lands and Rome)
Adalbert, St (956-997 AD) - püha Adalbert - св. Адальберт (Apostle of the Prussians, he carried the Gospel to the Hungarians, the Poles and the Prussians, by whom he was murdered, near Gdansk, he was canonized in 999)
Adam and Eve - Aadam ja Eeva - Адам и Ева (the first man and woman created by God, Adam was formed from the dust of the ground and God's breath or spirit (Genesis 2.7), Eve was made from Adam's rib)
Adoptionism (4th-century) - adoptsionism (ladina adoptio - "lapsendama") - aдопционизм (лат. adoptio — «усыновлять») (heretical teaching of Jesus as a human being of sinless life adopted by God as son)
Adrian IV (originally Nicholas Breakspear) (c.1100-1159) - Hadrianus IV - Адриан IV (Pope, the first and only Englishman to hold this title, elected in 1154, he granted Ireland to Henry II)
Advent - Advent (ladina adventus - "tulemine") - Адве́нт (от лат. adventus — "приход") (in the Christian Church, the four weeks before Christmas)
Adventists - adventistid - адвентисты (the Christian sect who believe in the imminent and literal Second Coming of Christ, began in the USA with William Miller (1781-1849), who predicted (wrongly) Christ's return in 1843-4)
Aggiornamento - uuendamine, täiendamine (itaalia) - обновление, усовершенствование (итал.) (the process of making the life, doctrine and worship of the Roman Catholic Church effective in the modern world, this was initiated by Pope John XXIII at the Second Vatican Council)
Aidan, St - püha Aidan - св. Айдан (the "Apostle of Northumbria" (d.651), monk from the Celtic monastery on the island of Iona in Scotland)
Albertus Magnus, St - Albertus Magnus (püha Albert Suur) - Альбе́рт Вели́кий или Св. Альберт (German philisopher, bishop, and Doctor of the Church, his most famous pupil was Thomas Aquinas, he was canonized in 1932)
Albigensians - albilased - альбигойцы (лат. Albigenses) (followers of a form of Christianity in the 11 th and 12 th centuries in Albi, in France, they believed life on earth to be struggle between good (spirit) and evil (matter), the were devastated in the early 13 th century crusade against them)
Ambrose, St or Aurelius Ambrosius (c.340-97 AD) - Püha Ambrosius - Амвро́сий Медиола́нский (лат. Sanctus Ambrosius; ок. 340 — 4 апреля 397) (one of the four Latin Doctors of the Church (with St Augustine, St Jerome and Gregory the Great))
Anabaptists (also Rebaptizers)(Greek ανα (again, twice) +βαπτιζω (baptize), thus "re-baptizers") - anabaptistid ((kreeka ανα - "taas, uuesti" ja βαπτιζω - "ristimine") ehk taasristijad) - анабаптисты или перекрещенцы (от греч. ανα — «опять, вновь» и греч. βαπτιζω — «крещение», то есть «вновь крещёные») (they refused to recognize infant baptism, emphasized strict Church discipline, and the separation of Church and State, were the forerunners of the Baptists)
Andrew, St - püha Andreas - св. Андрей Первозванный (one of the twelve apostles, brother of Simon Peter; the patron saint of Scotland and Russia)
Angels (the Greek angelos - "messenger") - inglid (kreekakeelsest sõnast ἄγγελος [angelos] - "sõnumitooja") - ангел (др.-греч. ἄγγελος, ангелос — «вестник, посланец») (spiritual beings believed to act as agents or messengers of the gods or God and carry out the will of God for individuals or nations; in Christianity there are three orders: the first order being subdivided into seraphim, cherubim and thrones, the second into dominions, virtues and powers, the third into principalities, archangels and angels, also Christians believe in a guardian angel for every soul and in a fallen angel Lucifer who is "in charge" of all fallen angels
Anglo-Catholicism - anglokatolitsism - англокатолицизм (a movement within the Church of England, it stresses the continuity and community with the wider Catholic Church)
Annas (1st century AD) - Hannas (22/23 eKr. - 40/66 pKr.) - Анна, сын Сета (22 год до Р.Х. — 66) (Israel's high priest, he apparently questioned Jesus after his arest (John 18))
Annunciation - Paastumaarjapäev (Jumalaema Rõõmukuulutamise püha, Ettekuulutus (Jumalaema Е.)) - Благове́щение (церк.-слав. Благовѣщеніе; лат. Annuntiatio — возвещение)(the angel Gabriel's foretelling to Mary of the birth of Jesus and of the promise of his greatness (Luke 1.26-38)
Anointing the sick - haigete salvimise (õlitamise) sakrament - елеосвяще́ние (или собо́рование) (a sacrament of the ritual application of oil perfomed by a priest in the Rpman Catholic and Orthodox Churches in cases of serious illness or preparation for death)
Anselm, St (1033-1109) - Canterbury Anselm - Ансе́льм Кентербери́йский (scholastic philosopher and prelate, and Archbishop of Canterbury (from 1093 until his death), he was canonized in 1494, his "Proslogion" (1077-78) contains the famous "ontological argument" for the proof of the existence of God)
Anthropic principle - antroopsusprintsiip - антро́пный при́нцип (assumes that the universe must be "fine-tuned" to a very high degree for observes such as ourselves to emerge, it is taken by some theologians as a basis of the argument for the existence of God by design)
Antichrist - Antikristus - Анти́христ (др.-греч. Αντίχριστος, «против (вместо) Христа») (a supreme evil figure, an adversary of Christ, his arrival will indicate that the end of the world is close
Antioch - Antiookia (Antakya tänapäevases Türgis) - Антиохи́я-на-Оро́нте (совр. Антакья, на территории современной Турции) (the city of Antioch in Syria (now Turkish Antakya) was founded c.300 BC, it became the headquarters of the first Gentile Christian church, it was at Antioch that the followers of Jesus were first called "Christians" (Acts 11.26))
Antipope (Latin "antipapa") - vastupaavst - антипа́па (in the Roman Catholic Church, a claimant to the office of pope in opposition to one regularly and canonically appointed)
Antisemitism - antisemitism - антисемити́зм (a late-19th-century term describing hostility towards Jews and/or Judaism, this originates in the New Testament as the blame for Jesus's death transfers to the Jews en masse, in the Middle Ages Jews were excluded from Christian medieval culture and lived in ghettos, even after the Enlightenment they suffered violent pogroms, Nazi ideology led to the Holocaust and now in 21 st century it is common association among individuals or groups of the radical Islam)
Antony the Great (251-356 AD) - Antonius Suur - Анто́ний Вели́кий, преподобный (около 251, Кома, Египет — 356, Дейр-Мари) (one of the founders of Christian monasticism, sold all his possessions for the poor, spent 20 years in the desert, in about 355, although over 100, he made a journey to Alexandria to dispute with the Arians)
Arkhyzsky image - Архызский лик - Arhõzikuju - rock painting of Jesus Christ, it was found in 1999 in Karachay-Cherkessia (Russia), specialists date it as far as IX-XIV AD, it quickly became a pilgrimage site - 345 m long staircase is being built along with several viewing places. It's being planned to open in spring 2011
Aristobulos St, Apostle of Britain - the holy Apostle Aristobulos is numbered among the Seventy Apostles, he preached the Gospel in Britain as its first bishop, his feast day is celebrated on October 31
The Camillians - a Roman Catholic religious order named after St. Camillus de Lellis (1550-1614, born in Italy), patron saint of the sick. Members of the order wear a large red cross on their cassocks, a symbol which may have inspired Henri Dunant when he set up the International Red Cross
Glastonbury Thorn - Glastonbury laukapuu - Гластонберийский терновник - when Joseph of Arimathea visited Glastonbury, he thrust his staff into Wearyall Hill, which then grew into the original thorn tree. Great religious site in Great Britain. It was attacked by vandals and its branches cut off on 9 December 2010
Eugenie Blanchard - a nun believed to be the world's oldest person, she died in November 2010 on the French Caribbean island of St. Barts at the age of 114
St. Mary Mackillop - a 19th century nun, whose religious order exposed a pedophile priest, was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday 17.October 2010, she became very first Australian saint
Maundy Thursday - Suur neljapäev - Великий четверг (also known as Holy Thursday as it falls on the Thursday before Easter and commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles)
Nama - one of the Greece's best-known wines, it's often used as altar wine in Greek Orthodox churches
Paris Bible - Pariisi Piibel - Парижская Библия (the first complete Bibles bound as a portable book, copied by the mid-1200s, by Dominican and Franciscan friars in Paris and Bologna, they standardized the order of the Bible's books and divided books into chapters)
Retablo - retaabel - ретабло (a votive picture of sacred images painted on wooden panels behind altars, it's a hybrid of indigenous art, Catholic iconography and Spanish culture)
"Russian milk" Ltd. - strongly Orthodox company - hiring staff is based on such Christian principles as 10 Commandments. Young mothers are encouraged to stay at home (they will get full salary up to 1 year), but abortion is not an option and might cost you a job! All company's several branches plan to built a small church on site)
Septuagint - Septuaginta - Септуагинта (a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible ca 250 BC, it was compiled by Jewish scholars living in Alexandria, Egypt)
Spy Wednesday (Holy Wednesday) - reetmise kolmapäev - предательская среда (according to the traditional interpretation of the Bible, Holy Wednesday is the day on which Jesus was anointed with spikenard during a meal (Matthew 26:6-13). The day is sometimes called "Spy Wednesday" since it is traditionally thought as the day Judas conspired with local authorities to betray Jesus (Matthew 26:14-16))
Sudarium (Latin "sweat cloth") - the cloth wrapped around the head of Jesus Christ after he died. It's been kept in Cathedral of San Salvador, Oviedo, Spain