Sabbath day's journey - hingamispäeva teekond - субботний путь (it is the distance a Jew is permitted to walk on the day of the Sabbath. It is one mile in length)

Saint John Climacus (of the Ladder) - Püha Johannes Redelikirjutaja - Св. Иоанн Лествичник (a 7th century Christian monk at the monastery on Mount Sinai, he is known by his book "The Ladder of Divine Ascend", the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Byzantine Catholic Churches additionally commemorate him on the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent)

Santeria (Spanish Santería - "sacred") - сантерия (исп. Santería - "святость") (Cuban religious sect - syncretic mix of Catholicism and Yoruba, originated with West African slaves who where shipped to the New World and forced to worship as Catholics)

Santeros - последователи сантерии (believers of Santeria religion)

Scola - the synagogue in Venetian dialect

The Seed Cathedral - "Fiiberkatedraal" - "Фибрособор" (the British pavilion for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, it's constructed of 60,000 light-funneling fiber-optic rods, each with one or more seeds implanted at its tip)

Sephardic Jews - sephardi  - сфаради (Jews of Spanish origin)

Septuagint - Septuaginta - Септуагинта (a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible ca 250 BC, it was compiled by Jewish scholars living in Alexandria, Egypt)

Silent Night (Stille Nacht) carol - "Püha öö" jõululaul - "Тихая ночь" (the world's most popular Christmas carol, the carol's words were written in 1816 by Fr. J.Mohr (in Mariapfarr near Salzburg), church organist F.Gruber composed the music, it has versions in more than 300 languages and has been added in 2011 to UNESCO's World Heritage List)

Simon the Cananite - also Simon the Zealot, one of the Twelve Apostels. According to the legend he was the bridegroom at the wedding at Cana in Galilee where the Lord Jesus changed the water in wine

Skete - skit - скит (a type of monastic organization, where each dwelling houses one to three monks and operates as an independent unit)

The Slave Bible - «Piibel orjadele»  - «Библия для рабов» (issued in 1807 to teach slaves the law of God. Only half of the New Testament and no more than 10 percent of the Old Testament are given in this adaptation of the Scriptures for slaves, and all other books were considered by the editors to be harmful to the minds of Africans. The Slave Bible doesn't include Moses leading the Israelites to freedom, but it does include Joseph's enslavement in Egypt)

Small Compline - the traditional prayers before bed said by Orthodox Christians (according to Greek practice)

Spy Wednesday (Holy Wednesday) - reetmise kolmapäev - предательская среда (according to the traditional interpretation of the Bible, Holy Wednesday is the day on which Jesus was anointed with  spikenard during a meal (Matthew 26:6-13). The day is sometimes called "Spy Wednesday" since it is traditionally thought as the day Judas conspired with local authorities to betray Jesus (Matthew 26:14-16))

Starets - it's Russian for elder or "old man", " one who takes your soul, your will, into his soul and his will..." (by F. M. Dostoevsky)

Stole - stoola - стола (a liturgical vestment in the Roman  Catholic Church, and also in Anglican church and some Protestant churches, in the Byzantine Rite practice of the Eastern Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches, the stole worn by a deacon is called an orarion, while that worn by a priest or bishop is called an epitrachil)

The Stowe Missal - the oldest surviving Mass book of the early Irish church, probably the early fifth century AD (acquired by Royal Irish Academy in 1883)

Sudarium (Latin "sweat cloth") - sudarium (ladina "higirätik") - cудариум (лат. "платок для вытирания пота") (the cloth wrapped around the head of Jesus Christ after he died. It's been kept in Cathedral of San Salvador, Oviedo, Spain)

Supplicatory Canon -palvekaanon - молебный канон (a special hymn of supplication to Christ, the Theotokos, a saint, or the angels)

Svarga - Svarga ("taevas") - Сварга (др. инд. "небо") (a paradise in Hinduism where one can live until one's next reincarnation)

Saint Synkletike - преподобная Синклитикия (she was from Alexandria in Egypt. She lived 83 years in virginity and asceticism and became to women what Saint Anthony the Great was to men)