The Mosaic map of Madaba - Madaba kaart – Мадабская карта-мозаика (the oldest Holy Land map in the world was discovered in 1884 by the local community in Madaba, Jordan. It is part of an intricately designed mosaic floor, now part of the Church of St. George. The map was constructed in the second half of the sixth century AD)

Ma Fuchu - Ma Fuchu - Ма Фучу (Ma Dexin, 1794-1874, the most eminent Chinese Hui scholar of Islam)

Mahamaham tank - a 6.2-acre step-sided pool said to contain waters from many of India's (in Tamil Nadu state) most sacred rivers. Every 12 years or so hundreds of thousands of people flock there to wash away their sins

Malakh (Hebrew "messenger") - malah (heebrea - "sõnumitooja") - малах (на ивритском - "ангел") (angels are prominent in Ezekiel, Zecharian and Daniel, they can fly, speak Hebrew and the the future, four angels are supreme: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel)

Manichaeism - manihheism ehk manilus (pärsia mani - "vaim") - манихейство (персидское мани - "дух") (a radical teaching of dualism between good and evil, light and darkness, combined with pantheistic, Gnostic and ascetic elements, allegedly started by the Persian Manes (also Mani) (215-275 AD))

Marabout (Arabic "murãbit") - murabit - мурабит (a type of Muslim holy man)

Marian thistle - Maarjaohakas - Марьин чертополох, Марьин татарник (Mary thistle, in Latin "Silybum marianum", a species of thistle)

St. Mary Mackillop - püha Mary Mackillop - св. Мэри Маккиллоп (a 19th century nun, whose religious order exposed a pedophile priest, was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday 17.October 2010, she became very first Australian saint)

Maundy Thursday - Suur neljapäev - Великий  четверг (from the Latin word Mandatum - "command", also known as Holy Thursday as it falls on the Thursday before Easter and commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles)

Menaion (Greek "month") - Mineia - Минея (12 liturgical books (one for each month) that include the Church's hymnographical texts for each day of the year, for the feasts and Saints' days throughout the year)

Millet - millet - миллéт (self-governing religious community with its own law and courts in Ottoman Empire)

St. Mina - püha Mina (Menas) - Мина Котуанский ("the Miracle Performer", 285-309 AD, born in Egypt, great saint in Coptic Synaxarium)

Misogi shuho - Misogi shuho - Мисоги шухо (Shinto ritual, which celebrates communion among worshippers, waterfall, and the creative life force of the universe)

Monastery of the "Unsleeping Ones" - "Magamatute" klooster -  обитель "Неусыпающих" (established by Saint Alexander in the V century not far fron Euphrates river. All the monks were divided into twenty-four watches of prayer. Changing shifts each hour, two choirs sang the holy Psalms both day and night thus offering unceasing praise to God)

Moriscos - moriskos - мориски (converted Muslims in 16th century Spain)

Mozarabs (mozārabes in Spanish) - mosaraabid -  мосарабы (Christians in Muslim territory (Spanish Andalucía today) from 756 to 1492)

Muwallads (muladíes) - Christians converted to Islam in Al-Andalus during Islamic rule (756-1492) 

Mystery (Greek mysterion) - müsteerium -  мистерия (emphasizes the "mysterious" aspect of the divine action of the Church's mysteriological ("sacramental" life))