Kabas - kaba - каба (rat protected by religious devotees in North India, believed to be a likely recipient for a reincarnated soul on its way to Nirvana)

Kiy Cross - Kii rist - Кийский крест (In 1632 the future Patriarch Nikon attempted to escape from the Solovki to the Kozheozero Monastery, his life was at peril. The monk began to pray to the holy cross and soon his boat was cast ashore on Kiy Island, where he erected a wooden cross to thank heaven. Years later being elected the patriarch he comissioned  a huge cypress cross in Palestine, lavishly decorated with jewels. Now the cross is in the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki (Moscow))

The King James Bible (authorized version) - kuningas Jaakobi Piibel - Библия короля Иакова (an English translation by the church of England (1604-1611), it was done by 54 scholars, from Puritan to the highest of High Churchmen, but the mid-1600s the King James had effectively replaced all its predecessors and had come to be the Bible of the English-speaking world, U.S. Presidents from Washington to Obama have used it to swear their oath of office (Obama using Lincoln's copy, others, Washington's))

Kollyvades - movement of 19th century Greek Orthodox, upholder's of Church tradition, from the word "kollyva" (boiled wheat) offered at memorial services, they argued against memorial services being held on Sundays

Kryashens (keräşen Tatars) - krjašenid - кряшены (a sub-group of the Volga Tatars, they are Orthodox Christians and live predominantly in Tatarstan, there are about 25 000 Keräşen in Russia)

The Kumano Kodo (熊野古道) - Кумано-кодо (a network of well-marked (English signage along the four major routes) and well-maintained trails through forests, fields, towns and villages nearly 600 km from Tokyo, it's a journey people have been making since the Heian period (794-1192), the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage routes and the sacred sites have been listed on the UNESCO World Heritage list since 2004)