Geneva Bible - Genua Piibel - Женевская Библия (published in 1560 by a small team of Scots and English Calvinists in Geneva, it was loved by Puritans but was anti-royal)

Gennady's Bible - Gennadievi Piibel - Геннадиевская Библия (the first complete collection of biblical books of the Old and New Testaments in Old Church Slavonic, produced in 1499 under the care of Archbishop Gennady of Novgorod during the reign of tsar Ivan III, Grand Prince of Moscow)

Gerontikon - геронтикон (the collected sayings of the Ascetic Fathers of the fourth-century Egyptian desert)

Gethsemane Church, or as it is also called the "Church of All Nations" or "Basilica of the Agony of the Lord (lat. Basilica Agoniae Domini) - Ketsemani kirik (ka "Kõigi Rahvaste Kirik") või "Issanda Agoonia basiilika (lat. Basilica Agoniae Domini) - Гефсиманская церковь, или как ее еще называют «Церковь Всех Наций» или «Базилика Агонии Господней (лат. Basilica Agoniae Domini) (Franciscan Catholic Church in the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem, built on the site where, according to tradition,  Jesus has prayed in agony the night before he was crucified)

Glastonbury Thorn - Glastonbury laukapuu - Гластонберийский терновник - when Joseph of Arimathea visited Glastonbury, he thrust his staff into Wearyall Hill, which then grew into the original thorn tree. Great religious site in Great Britain. It was attacked by vandals and its branches cut off on 9 December 2010

“The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife” - ‘The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife’ was the product of a German Egyptologist by the name of Walter Fritz living then in Florida. And promoted by the Harvard-based feminist historian Karen King. As it turned out it was a forgery

Great Entrance - the beginning of the second part of the liturgy, during which time the unconsecrated gifts are processed around the church from the holy prothesi to the holy altar in anticipation of their consecration

Great Schema - Suur skeema - Великая схима (the final stage of monastic profession wherein the monastic makes complete promises)

St. Gregory the Dialogist - Gregorius Suur - Григорий Двоеслов (bishop of Rome, elected Pope in 590. It is from him that Gregorian Chant takes its name. Saint Gregory compiled in the Latin tongue the order of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (used during Great Lent))

Gutenberg Bible - Gutenbergi Piibel - Библия Гутенберга (in 1455 Johannes Gutenberg was the first to print the Bible, about 180 were printed, 49 remain)