Family tree healing Mass - peret raviv missa - "оздоровляющая" семью месса -  this is Mass that aims to bring healing to the broken family network through the breaking of what are seen as "negative spiritual influences" that proponents believe, are passed on to the descendants

"Father in the bar" - "Isake baaris" - «Батюшка в баре» (The Russian orthodox cafe "Two Fish" in Khabarovsk launched the action "Father in the bar", the action "Father in the bar" is an appeal to people so that they can not only eat delicious food, but also satisfy their spiritual hunger: talk with the priest in an informal setting, ask questions ...)

Fathers of the Church - Kirikuisad - Святые отцы Церкви (in the Orthodox Church a Saints of all times whose teaching has been accepted by the Church as an authentic expression of Her life and faith

Fatriarch - fatriarh - фатриарх (a common pun name for iconoclast patriarchs, since "fatria" in Greek means "conspiracy")

Font (stoup) - veeanum - кропильница - a vessel with holy water at the entrance of the Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches, parishioners dip their fingers into the holy water and make the sign of the cross

Fool-for-Christ's-Sake - Jumala pärast meeletu - юродивый (a spiritual advanced person who takes on the extreme asceticism of foolishness for Christ's sake)