Righteous Basil of Mangazea in Siberia - he was falsely accused and tortured then buried in a swamp. Forty-two years after the unjust murder of the saint, his coffin was removed from the swamp and his holy relics were found to be incorrupt. He is the very first Siberian saint

Beautiful Gate (Royal Doors) - Kuninglikud uksed - Царские Врата (central entrance to the altar area in an Orthodox church)

Beaded Temple - "Helmestega kirik" - "Бисерный" храм ( the skete of St. Anastasia in the Bakhchisarai region of the Republic of Crimea. The church is located in a former lime quarry, it is always damp and humid there, so neither plaster nor paint sticks to the walls - hence the use of beads for interior decoration)

Benedict the Righteous of Nurcia -  преподобный Венедикт Нурсийский (the saint was born in 480 in Nurcia, not far from Rome. He is often called the first teacher of monks in the West)

Bishop's Bible - Piiskopite Piibel - Библия Епископов (quickly translated by a dozen or so bishops in 1568, with a large image of the Queen Elizabeth on the title page, this Bible was pro-royal)

"the Branded" brothers - братья Начертанные (Saint Theophanes and Saint Theodore were monks at the Monastery of Saint Sabbas. Theophilus the last of the Iconoclast emperors, had 12 iambic verses branded by hot irons on their foreheads and sent them into exile)

"Bread of Heaven" - "Taevane leib" - "Хлеб Небес" (bread made from spelt flour which Jesus shared with His apostles during the Last Supper. Available at a bakery in Wales, UK)

Bridget of Ireland - the Holy Abbess Bridget devouted herself to the establishment of the monastic life among the women of her country, and founded the convent of Kildare ("Church of the Oak")

Bright Week - Valgusenädal - Светлая Седмица (in Orthodox Churches tradition the week, following the Sunday of Pascha (Easter Sunday)

Buddhist economics - the economic system described by E.F. Schumacher in 1955 which aims to obtain the maximum of well being with the minimum of consumption